Image of different spices

5 Spices and Herbs that Improve Health

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For thousands of years, societies around the world have been using spices and herbs for food, medicine, and beauty. Evidence can be found in several ancient documents such as the Ebers Papyrus of Egypt and the Huang-Di Nei-Jing of China. As people began to recognize the value of spices and herbs, the usage of these treasures expanded around the world.

Today, many spices and herbs are at our convenience. Spices are obtained from the seed, fruit, bark, or flower of the plant. Herbs are obtained from the leaves of herbaceous plants. We use them to add complex and delicious flavors to our food, but they are highly nutritious. Enjoy this list of health benefits from some of your favorites!

1. Cloves

The clove is a very fragrant spice filled with antioxidants such as flavonoids and plenty of minerals.  It has antiseptic effects and can be used on insect bites. Cloves can also be used to alleviate tooth aches, calm digestive problems, and treat colds.


2. Coriander

The coriander is the seed of the cilantro plant. It is filled with vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin K, Vitamin C, manganese, and iron. It has many health benefits, but coriander is commonly used to ease discomforts of the stomach. By promoting more efficient liver functioning, coriander can improve digestive health.


3. Oregano


This aromatic herb of the mint family is a staple used in Italian dishes such as pizza, pasta, and marinara. This herb is filled with antioxidants such as carvacrol and thymol, and can fight free radicals found in the body. The nutrient profile of this plant makes it highly suitable for detoxification. When detoxifying the body, consume oregano in its raw form to reap most of the health benefits.


4. Dill

The dill plant is full of flavor, nutrients and healing compounds, making it a plant of many uses. Dill can be found in many dishes and snacks such as soups, stews, ranch dressing, and pickles. The health benefits are vast; it is a good source of minerals, flavonoids, and vitamins. Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial benefits derive from its powerful flavonoids. The organic and inorganic compounds found in dill have been found to treat fungal infections, diarrhea, and menstrual cramps.


5. Sage

Sage has been recognized for its great culinary and medicinal properties. The sage plant has an aroma that hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies adore. In small amounts, sage provides plenty of health benefits. It is a great source of fiber, Vitamin K, manganese, iron, Vitamin B6, and calcium. Sage has been used to heal the mouth, gums, and throat. It would be difficult not to experience any improvements from the health-promoting properties of this herb with regular consumption.


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