image of apple being juiced

9 Health Benefits of Detoxifying the Body

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Detoxifying the body is an age-old concept that has evolved alongside societies. In fact, medicine and healing evolved from our understanding of the body and how excess toxins and malnutrition cause disease. Ancient Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Mayan, Indian and Chinese societies recognized the importance of healing and self-preservation, and adapted techniques that would eventually be taught around the world. Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine are a few examples of healing artforms that influence the knowledge of creation today.

Detoxification is described as the process by which toxic substances are removed from the body. Our bodies are naturally capable of eliminating toxins that have entered our systems. However, our bodies become less efficient in this process overtime, and the accumulation of junk wreaks havoc.

Fortunately, the body is a wonderful, resilient piece of work. There are five organs that mainly take care of the body’s detoxification needs. They are the liver, skin, kidneys, intestines, and lungs. Consumed toxins exit our bodies when we move our bowels, urinate, sweat, and exhale.

In order to reduce or reverse any damage caused by toxin or waste build up in our bodies, we must rely on natural foods and herbs to strengthen our bodies and help the detoxification process move more smoothly. Organic, natural, and minimally processed foods will give you the best results. When toxins are out, you can experience some, if not all, of the following benefits.

1. Breath better

Toxin build up in the body can sometimes cause an excessive amount of mucus in the throat. This can make it difficult to breath. Labored breathing not only uses a lot of your energy, but it also limits the amount of oxygen that enters through the lungs. By reducing inflammation caused by allergens, air pollution, and germs, you can expect to breath better.

2. Smell better

When the body digests foods, compounds are produced in the liver and are then released through the skin, urinary tract, and digestive system. Depending on what foods you eat and your ability to break down certain foods properly, the body can release unpleasant odors. The cause of unpleasant odors can also be from the metabolism of medications, alcohol, and sugary foods. A good detox protocol can work well for you, but sometimes the process of eliminating toxins from the body can heighten the odors that are unpleasant. It may take a little time to start smelling better, but detoxing is definitely worth the try.

3. Balance out hormones

The endocrine system is responsible for the secretion of hormones that regulate the many functions of the body. Some of these functions include reproduction, sleep, and metabolism. Environmental toxins such as BPA and dioxins mimic natural hormones and disrupt the body’s ability to function properly. Detoxification will help bring balance back to the many systems of the body.

4. Weight loss

A proper, holistic detox protocol will establish long-term habits that help you lose weight and keep it off. Let’s try to replace less than stellar habits with great ones. By incorporating more whole, natural foods into your diet, your can expect the pounds to drop and find more energy to exercise.

5. Improved Elimination

A detox regimen filled with minerals and fiber will encourage the release of wastes from the colon. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables everyday to promote the healthy elimination of toxins from the intestines.

6. Less Fatigue

The constant exposure to chemicals in our environment is a leading cause of fatigue and low vitality in many Americans today. When waste and toxins accumulate in the tissues, the body demands more energy to store and process everything. Detoxifying the body alleviates the demands placed on the organs and as a result, you will feel more energetic and better able to tackle your day.

7. Radiant skin

When toxins are processed inside the body and reach the surface of the skin, unpleasant pimples and rashes may develop. These skin problems can cause frustration or lower one’s self-esteem. Undergoing a good detox program can alleviate some of your symptoms overtime, but the process itself may also increase the severity of blemishes, causing even more frustration. However, you will notice the skin becoming smoother and clearer as you approach the end of the process. The radiant, glowy skin you’ve always wanted begins with your daily commitment to cleanse your body from the inside out.

8. Improved mental sharpness

Toxins disrupt brain functions too. Trouble concentrating or remembering things could be signs that your brain is under attack by foreign substances that don’t belong. Clearing up the toxins and free radicals will allow for optimal brain functioning.

9. Get adequate sleep

Many of us struggle with getting a good night’s sleep. We may have every intention to get 6 to 9 hours, but it just doesn’t happen. Sleep problems are often associated with a poor quality of life. Depression, anxiety, memory problems and fatigue are some of the issues that can arise from inadequate sleep. When the liver is in overdrive trying to process toxins while demanding energy from different systems, adequate sleep may be difficult to obtain. By detoxing and eliminating stimulates such as coffee, getting adequate sleep should no longer be a problem for you.


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