Top 6 Alkalizing Foods to Eat Daily for Weight Loss and Chronic Disease

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The Standard American Diet (SAD) has long been viewed as a leading cause of Western diseases. The regular consumption of meats, processed foods, fried foods, and refined sugars force the body into a very acidic state – opportunity for disease to take form and prosper.

Weight gain, type 2 diabetes, cancer, fatigue, poor dental health, osteoporosis, depression, and brain fog are some symptoms that are a result of excess acidity withing the body. An alkaline diet has helped many people fight off disease and gain peace of mind. Plant-based foods are wonderful for good health, but there are some that naturally balance the body very efficiently.

Potential renal acid load (PRAL) is a value that rates food for acidity and alkalinity. Food is considered basic or alkaline if the PRAL score is negative. Positive scores indicate a particular food is acidic. Here are the top 6 foods that are highly alkalizing for the body.

6 Alkalizing Foods

1. Parsley

This alkaline, tasty herb is very popular for its ability to brighten up a savory dish. Parsley is packed full of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, iron, copper, and magnesium. The USDA PRAL score of freeze-dried parsley is -108.647 – surpassing all other foods on the chart! Raw parsley has a score of -11.1267, which is still great.

2. Beet Greens

Beet greens are an excellent source of vitamin A, iron, calcium, and magnesium. The beet plant and its other chenopod family members are some of the most nourishing plants to consume. Raw beet greens have a PRAL score of -16.748 and raw beet roots have a score of -5.3621.

3. Amaranth Leaves

Amaranth is a highly nutritious and tasty food belonging to the chenopod family, along with spinach, quinoa, beets, and chard. The leaves should not be discarded when preparing because they contain plenty of nutrients needed for a more alkalized diet. The PRAL score for raw amaranth leaves is -14.0006.

4. Purslane

Purslane is an edible weed that is found all over North America. It is a rich, unique source for omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. The PRAL score for purslane is -10.722.

5. Spinach

Raw baby and mature spinach is a refreshing addition to many dishes, and it makes a great base for an alkaline salad. This leafy green is full of essential nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber. Spinach is a great source of vitamins such as vitamin K, vitamin C, and many B vitamins. The PRAL score for raw spinach is -11.8446.

6. Basil

There are over a dozen varieties of basil that smell great and are delicious. Spicy, sweet, lemony, and licorice-y are some of the flavors to be expected as you explore the different varieties. There are so many great ways to use basil. Try it in a salad with your favorite alkalizing vegetables and experience awesome flavor and nutrition. The PRAL score for raw basil is -10.0124.

As you can see, alkalizing foods are filled with essential nutrients, most of which influence their excellent PRAL scores. Fruits are also very healthy and are loaded with fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants; however, many of their PRAL scores are not as high as leafy green vegetable and herbs. Fruits are still alkaline, nonetheless. A healthy alkalizing diet should be 80% alkaline, and 20% acidic. This will prevent the body from becoming too alkaline – although, becoming too alkaline is not very likely.

When you eat a more alkaline diet, you can expect to see improvements in your skin, immune health, digestive health, hair, cognitive performance, energy, weight loss, and so much more!


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